Wood Turtle [Glyptemys insculpta]
Average Adult Size: 5" - 7" long and weigh up to 3.4 lbs.

Amelia was found in a box on the front steps of the Essex Junction “Turtle Lady” in 1998. Her vet believed that she was about 2 years old at the time. Unaware of the laws forbidding the possession of most pet turtles in Vermont, Turtle Lady added Amelia to her growing turtle collection. In 2015, Fish and Wildlife was contacted in an attempt to help find new homes for those 16 turtles. As only one of those turtles was a legal VT pet, Fish and Wildlife helped re-home them out of State. As a native turtle of special concern, Amelia was placed with the Museum.
We should note that the turtles kept in Essex Junction with Amelia were given some of the best living conditions and care that we have seen. The design of the Turtle Lady’s outdoor turtle garden will be copied when we build the new Museum.