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Apr 12, 2023
I know what a pussy willow is, but what is it?
Counted among a "sign of spring" the pussy willow is an understated beauty. But what is it?

Feb 7, 2023
of wolves
Last month the Museum met for our first book club discussion with Rachel Carson’s landmark work “Silent Spring”. We had a great turnout...

Dec 2, 2022
joys of tracking
Winter provides us with many opportunities that the other three seasons cannot. Skiing or cuddling in front of the wood stove may come to...

Jenica McEvoy
Jul 10, 2021
Bald Eagle Trivia Challenge
Bald eagles are fascinating birds of prey, and here in Vermont we are lucky to have many nesting pairs. However, it hasn’t always been...

Melissa Morgan-Oakes
May 15, 2021
Why did the Salamander Cross the Road?
Every year across the region thousands of our cold-blooded friends make their way from upland winter homes to the ponds where they were born

Melissa Morgan-Oakes
Apr 18, 2021
What to do with a Baby Bird?
Warmer weather has arrived, and with it comes all the joys of spring. Animals are emerging from their winter naps, returning from their...

Melissa Morgan-Oakes
Mar 14, 2021
Step into the Past with the Chazy Fossil Reef
Did you know that you can visit a fossil reef - in Vermont - with visible species representing hundreds of millions of years of evolution?

Christopher Russell
Mar 14, 2021
Have you tried a sitspot?
Having a sitspot, a place to sit and observe for a period each day, allows you to get to know your local ecosystem in a whole new way.

Melissa Morgan-Oakes
Feb 14, 2021
The Eastern RatSnake: Vermont's Native Snake
What do ancient Egyptians, indigenous North Americans, and Christians around the world have in common? They all share stories and myths...

Melissa Morgan-Oakes
Jan 15, 2021
Eastern Screech Owl: Master of Disguise
The sun has just said a final goodbye with a promise to return in the morning. As you make your way along the peaceful forest periphery,...

Melissa Morgan-Oakes
Dec 14, 2020
Welcome, Opossums!
The Southern Vermont Natural History Museum is thrilled to introduce our supporters to what may become our newest education ambassadors....

Melissa Morgan-Oakes
Oct 5, 2020
Remi the Raven: An Enrichment Success Story
Our fascination with ravens extends deep into history and continues into the present day. Whether depicted as wise or a trickster, an...
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