Before cleaning out the attic, please take a look at our wish list. There are a wide variety of items that we can use that you might be tossing out!
Towels and Newspapers
Digital Projector for presentations
Dust Mop
Kongs and similar "dog toys" for animal enrichment
Office supplies
Building materials and coated chain-link fencing for raptor enclosure upgrades
Individuals with fundraising and marketing expertise
Photos and videos from our programs and/or your museum visit
Vacuum cleaner for carpets and stairs
Parachute cord
Same-key (5) padlock set or outdoor combination locks
Skulls, furs, turtle shells, other natural history tid-bits
Mounted Raccoon, Otter, Flying squirrel, Muskrat and Skunk in good condition
Gift cards for Building Supply stores, One Stop Pet Supply in Brattleboro
High quality artwork depicting Vermont wildlife and scenery
Carpenters looking to volunteer for structural and finish work projects
High protein catfood, meat and fish donations. We'll take your old hens and roosters!